Saturday, August 11, 2012

Once Upon A Time...

I have a little adoption story that involves someone you may or may not know that I'd like to share.  It goes a little something like this...

Once upon a time there was an Adopting Mama who was trying desperately to raise funds to bring  Little Girl home from Eastern Europe.   That Mama had a lot of friends who were willing to help her, but it seemed to be moving slowly.  While her paperwork was ready at every turn, there always seemed to be just one more thing needed.  One day Adoptive Mama got an email that her home study was ready.  Sadly, she didn't yet have enough money to mail her dossier to her child's country.  She was only about half-way to her $7500 goal.  She put all her furniture up for sale, had some jewelry appraised and waited.  Five minutes.... okay more like twenty four hours.  A Sweet Friend offered to buy a piece of that furniture and then after paying for it, gave it back to the mama to keep forever.  When some other Kind People heard about what that friend did, they said they wanted the rest of the dining set, but wanted her to store it at her house for them.  They sent that mama a check for $1000.   Another couple drove an hour and a half to buy Adoptive Mama's fancy bed.  The jewelry that was appraised for $900 ended up bringing in $1100 from the same appraiser by the time it was sold.  A few more donations came in, and that dossier fee was raised in FOUR DAYS.

Meanwhile, many friends offered craft items, photographs, handmade gifts, quilts, comforters, and purses.  One Crafty Friend posted a lovely item she had made for that mama's auction, and boy, was that mama touched that she had a friend so willing to help!  Before that mama could even price the item, someone scooped that crafty craft up.  Soon there was a second order placed and it was agreed funds would go to the mama who was adopting.  Crafty Friend worked SO FAST and that crafty craft was ready before anyone could blink.  A Curious Friend of that crafty lady noticed the crafty craft and asked what all the fuss was about.  Adopting Mama shared a photograph of precious Little Girl and stole the heart of the Curious Friend and she sent a letter to the mama offering to help her bring little girl home.  You see, Curious Friend had been attending a Bible study about doing something Radical for God.   Mr. and Mrs. Curious Friend had discussed it and felt that the expected check they would one day get should go to the Something Big they were going to do for God. The day after their study group met, they received a check they had anticipated but had no way of knowing when it would arrive.

 The adopting Mama had also been reading about doing Something Big for God, which was why she chose to adopt Little Girl. One day, after hearing about some turmoil in Little Girl's country, Adoptive Mama scrubbed her blog of all references to country and photos of Little Girl.  In so doing, she accidentally re-posted an old entry and somehow could not figure out how to make the post go away.  Unbeknownst to Adoptive Mama, Curious Friend would end up reading that exact blog entry that spoke of Something Big.  Mrs. Curious Friend spoke to Mr.Curious Friend, and they agreed that they had found the Something Big that they were supposed to use that anticipated check toward.  Mrs. Curious Friend sent a letter to Adoptive Mama explaining how they wanted to help with her Something Big and explained how God had worked in their lives to move them and shape them for His glory through a set of very humbling circumstances involving Mrs. Curious Friend's health.  Due to an accident, some hefty insurance bills and an agreement between certain parties, The Curious Friends received compensation to assist in paying off their medical bills and debts.  Knowing the excess should be used for the Glory of God, they paid forward the gift God generously bestowed on them.  Yesterday, adoptive Mama received a check for $13,600 toward the travel and foreign fees related to the adoption of Little Girl.   Adoptive Mama still has a little work to do to be fully funded, but God always provides.  Always.  He looks for humble hearts, willing servants and available hands. 

God is alive, moving and working in the hearts of his people.  Praise God for Crafty Friends, Curious Friends and for praying friends all around who work together and become a part of the promise of Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose" so that Adoptive Mama can keep the promise to Little Girl that Jesus made to us in John 14:18, "I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you."


  1. Oh, my! Tears here as well! Praying for you, sweet friend!

  2. That is SO incredibly awesome! God is so good. Bless Mr and Mrs Curious! ;)
